All things pink-Including in the Kitchen ofc

Hi loves,

I hope that everyone is having an amazing Tuesday so far. Just wanted to share with you one of my FAVORITE Kitchen electronics. My husband and I recently bought our first home in August. We renovated most of our home from head to toe ( and this included a full gut in the kitchen). When we got married 2 1/2 years ago, we had this beautiful item on our registry. Even though I was fortunate to be showered with SO many beautiful gifts this was one I didn’t receive. My husband knowing how badly I wanted this he gifted it for me that Christmas. ( He’s the best ) I was a manager in a major department store for 3 years and the first department I managed was Housewares. I know to some of you that sounds like snooze! total bore but I must admit it really was my favorite department to work in and brought me such an awareness of how fun and romantic cooking can really be. This was also when I discovered my NEED for the KitchenAid Stand mixer. I love this because it comes in an array of colors that can be very unique to you and bring a little color pop to your kitchen. I’m telling you this thing is amazing. You can make really virtually anything baking wise. Your cakes will come out so fluffy and airy. You can use different attachments- my fave is the paddle attachment because it the makes crumbs really good for like all things crumb ( apple crisp is our fave ). You can even use this thing to make mashed potatoes. It makes your life a lot easier then whisking or mixing with a spoon and I found with a hand mixer batters tend to splash everywhere and make a huge mess ( not a good look for my all white kitchen   ) Oh and not to mention my fave feature it’s PINK gives my kitchen a beautiful pop to go with all of my other pink kitchenware. You guys should totally make the investment if baking and cooking is your thing. Or if you need a nice colored countertop decor, jk but not really. LOL

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